Daycare & Camps

Day Camp is full on September 18th

Available Spring break, all Summer, Thanksgiving week, winter break, and any other scheduled day off for Lawrence Public Schools.

Camp activities include play time in the gym, entry-level gymnastics instruction, inflatables, arts & crafts, group games, healthy snacks, and much more!

Full day children need to bring a lunch. Refrigerator available, no microwave.

Monday and Thursday afternoons in June and July are swim days!

$5 additional charge on pool days for Bus Fare and Pool Entry.

A $30 deposit will be posted when your child is enrolled.

Half Day
8:30am - 12:00pm
12:30pm - 4:00pm


Full Day
8:30am - 4:00pm


Early drop off
7:30am - 8:30am


Late pick-up
4:00pm - 5:00pm


Parents' Morning Out

Bring the kids in to play while you relax or run errands! 

Three fun-filled hours of free play, games, crafts, healthy snacks & more!

  • Monday – Friday

  • 8:30am- 12:00pm

  • Ages 2-5

  • $35 public, $30 members

  • Potty training is NOT required

Parents Night Out is every Saturday!

Want an evening to yourselves but can’t find a babysitter?
We offer 4 fun-filled hours of Games, Supervised Free Play, and Pizza!
Ages 11 & under.  Children must be potty trained to attend Parents’ Night Out.
Hours: 6:00pm-10:00pm
Cost: $35 public, $25 member